Peace Of Mind Package
This package is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your loved ones, who may have to deal not only with the grief of your inevitable passing but the very real possibility of temporary incapacity. No one wants the disposition of their assets, not to mention the potential guardianship of minor children left to the state, and a judge who doesn’t know you or your loved ones. And the legal expenses of probate without these documents far exceed the cost of preparing them now. The documents in the Peace of Mind Package are probably the most important documents most of us will sign in our lives.
Individual – $1,100 or Couple – $1,650
The package includes:
- A Simple Will
- A Living Will (aka Directive to Physicians, Advanced Directive, Health Care Directive)
- Medical Power of Attorney
- Durable Power of Attorney
- HIPAA Release Form
- Organ Donation Directive
For wills only:
Individual – $600 or Couple – $900
For more information or to schedule an appointment with one of our lawyers, please contact us by calling 512-436-0826 or toll-free at 866-369-3211.