We always encourage clients to invest their time in gathering all relevant data regarding all the assets held by the couple and the individual spouses in advance of their consultation with an attorney. This can save the client money and shorten the process. The...

Reducing Attorney Cost
5 Ways to Avoid an Expensive Divorce
Perhaps you've heard: Getting divorced is expensive. In fact, there is almost no such thing as a cheap divorce. Whether you're going to pay alimony or receive it, it's probably safe to say that most partners ending a marriage will soon feel as if they've taken a...
Communicating With Your Attorney Economically
Psychologists say divorce is the second most stressful event in life, after the death of a spouse or child. It can also be very expensive. However, there are ways to minimize costs that we have written about before. In a word: preparation. In two words: preparation...
One Simple Way To Reduce Attorney Cost
Can you reduce your attorney cost? While it may be difficult to reduce your dental bills when you have a toothache or a doctor bill when you have the flu, you can absolutely reduce your legal bills with one simple trick: preparation. Doctors and dentists charge you...