Divorce has been declining over the past few years while "do-it-yourself" (DIY) divorce has increased. The financial crisis starting in 2008 created many victims. Higher unemployment, lost or reduced income and home foreclosures increased the stress on many families...

Year: 2012
Technology Eases Divorce in Texas
In my more than 15 years of helping Texas couples divorce as quickly, inexpensively and amicably as possible, the most challenging tend to be those with children. Through the 70s and 80s, mothers usually won custody with the father receiving visitation rights.In the...
Baby Boomer Divorce in Texas
Over the past 15 years, our family law practice has handled divorces from teenagers to couples in their 90s. In general, we have seen a trend towards older divorces which is more or less aligned with national trends.Studies have shown that while the overall divorce...
Health Insurance and Divorce in Texas
In November, 2012, the Supreme Court of Texas made it easier to obtain a divorce without a lawyer, particularly in cases where no children are involved and the divorce is uncontested. Divorce is always difficult, even uncontested, but it can be especially difficult on...
Why Do I Need A Living Will In Texas?
If you own anything, you should have a living will (also known as directive to physicians or medical power of attorney). An Associated Press LifeGoesStrong.com poll found that 64 percent of baby boomers - those born between 1946 and 1964 - say they don't have a...
Pre-Nuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements in Texas
Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements include all sorts of things these days, and they certainly are no longer just for the wealthy. Would you agree to get married, if it also meant you agreed to be skinny or to be intimate with your spouse on a certain schedule?...
Texas divorce: Unpaid child support reaching $11 billion
One of the side effects of the Great Recession is that more and more people are struggling just to get by month to month. Many of those who are struggling are either paying or relying on child support. The assumption is that when a Texas couple gets a divorce, one...
What Rights Does An Unmarried Father Have In Texas?
If you are male living together with a woman and have a child, what rights do you as an unmarried father have in Texas? To be succinct, the answer is "NONE", without a court order. Even if the father is designated as such on the birth certificate, the father has no...
What NOT To Look For When Hiring A Lawyer
Choosing a lawyer can be challenging. First, the need for a lawyer is usually infrequent, less frequent than choosing other professionals like doctors or dentists. Secondly, it is difficult for lay people to assess the technical competence of professionals like...
13 Reasons To Update Your Will In Central Texas
Whenever I give I talk, I ask for a show of hands regarding who has a will. It is usually much less than half. When I ask how many have updated their will in the last 3 years, I get 1 or 2 hands, or none. Most of us postpone doing a will because it reminds us of the...